Domestic abuse

Is like a cancer in our society, that are detroying families and leaving scars for generations.

Domestic abuse is not selective but manifests itself in all social classes, the victims are both men and women, adults and children. It is not only physical violence but any repeated actions meant to maintain a level of control over the victim through neglect, isolation, forced sexual acts, verbal degradation, humiliation and more.

God has a cure from this cancer, found in His design for marriage as a reflection of His image and the example of Christ.

Are you a victim of abuse?

Sometimes it can be hard to accept or even understand if you are in an abusive relationship, it can be confusing and a turbulence of emotions when someone who claims to love you also is the one who brings fear and pain.

But you are not alone and you don´t have to handle this on your own, God says He cares for and protects the oppressed, He promises healing and rest to those who cast their burdens on Him.

We are always ready to listen and stand with you in finding a way out of your situation.

Are you caught in an abusive behaviour?

No matter how or why it is expressed, God has a message for you, that He loves you so incredibly much that His only wish for you is that you turn to Him, so that He may transform your heart and actions. Where you are at is not where God made you to be, and only through His mercy and grace can you find the strength to change. Gods promise is that anyone who truly turns to Him will be given a new life and identity in the image of Christ.

Reach out to us today we are here to walk with you in your journey into your Godgiven identity, free from anger and violence.

It is our belief that marriage is Holy and ordained by God, we therefore also believes that domestic abuse is a matter that concerns the whole kingdom, locally, nationally and globally. And it demands for us as a body to present a united front against this evil, a front that defies denominational and doctrinal boundaries but stands together firmly on the word of God and the good news of the gospel of Christ.

Some of the ways we aim to achieve this is by creating platforms pastors and leaders can meet, spreading awareness and information for local leaders to be encouraged in their work, and by leading to healing for victims as well as encouraging abusers to seeking redemption and restoration through Gods mercy and grace.

Pastoral care/counselling


It is important and in the very nature of God to bring healing and restoration to those who have been victims of domestic abuse.

But it is first when we reach the abusers with Gods redeeming mercy and grace that we will see a lasting and radical change in peoples lives, both for victims and abusers.

Partnering churches


Domestic abuse is both a global and local issue. Thats why we aim to partner up with local churches to create a united front as a Christian community to raise awareness, as well as local networks of congregations for reaching those families that are suffering.

Training and equipping leaders


It is the local leaders, pastors, intercessors who firsthand meet both the victims nad offenders of domestic abuse.

Therefore it is through equipping and supporting them in their daily work that we will see a change in lives and communities.

“ Let us stand united as 1 body ”

It is my firm belief that God is the author of the marriage institution and that He designed it to be a reflection of His image. And that marriage is to be lived out in the image of Christ, with the purpose of glorifying God.

As such anything that threatens marriage can not be a private issue but is a problem that involves the whole kingdom and every member of it.

Therefore I find it our responsibility as a Christians disregarding denominations or doctrinal convictions to stand united against every such threat where domestic abuse is one of them. First when the church stands united to promote Godly marriages I believe we will see a change both in our churches and in society at large.


Mike Petersen

Founder of CADA